- This is the text that that we decided to use for our CD poster from dafont.com.
- We thought that this font would go really well with our music genre as it is not too simple and also not really over the top. It has a party feel to it which our music genre (dance) is usually associated to.
I copied this font onto photoshop and used the magic tool to get rid of the white background so that it would be easier to edit and add could colours without affecting the whole text.
This is the result after using the magic tool.
After using the magic tool, I decided to use the blur tool so that the text can go with the image used in the poster.
This is the result of using the blur tool.
Some good posts on here recently Bahja and Sara, you probably need some more evidence of research , so more real media texts that have been analysed and saying what you will borrow form these. You also need more of the diary type stuff showing how each few days as gone and what you got idd. I also like the theory section on here and think you could add more into this